Dr Commodore

Star Citizen, rilasciata l’alpha 3.1.4

Cloud Imperium ha rilasciato la nuova versione dell’apha di Star Citizen, ambizioso progetto della software house

La nuova alpha risolve problemi di crash, migliora la simulazione atmosferica e cambia l’algoritmo di acellerazione.


Qui sotto potete trovare il chancelog completo.

Star Citizen Alpha 3.1.4 Release Notes:

Feature Updates

Ships and Vehicles

    • IFCS has been refactored.
    • Fixes for IFCS instability.
    • Fixes for Gravlev hover mode and smoother transition between HOV and SCM.
    • Changed acceleration algorithm to transient.
    • Improved atmospheric simulation to support drag and gravity in motion control calculations.
    • Adjusted large ship acceleration for take off and surface to orbit transition to compensate for gravity.
      Note: You may be required to orient rear thrusters in such a way to maximize lift off acceleration. For large ships with multiple thruster orientations, such as the Reclaimer, you will want to gain altitude in landing mode and reorient your ship vertically once moving into SCM/AB to push into orbit.
    • Gravlev speed limit is now only limited by planar velocity.
    • Improved transition between HOV and SCM modes for gravlev.
    • Retuned ESP to better fit the IFCS changes.

Bug Fixes

    • Multiple players should no longer spawn into the same EZ Hab room.
    • Fixed a bug with boost/afterburner where boost was heavily over-performing on some ships.
    • Recovering from a crash should no longer present the player with an empty ship list at ASOP terminals


  • Fixed 3 fatal error crashes.
  • Fixed a fatal error crash on exit.
  • Memory leak fix.

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